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Happy birthday, YUMO

Date:2020-08-15        Clicks:1691

          Happy birthday, YUMO

          YUMO was founded on August 15, 2007, 13 years ago, and has grown since then, not only to serve our customers  but also to improve our quality of products and give them a better experience.

In those 13 years,YUMO footprints are left all over the world.

                                              2013 BRAZIL FIEE                                                        2015 BRAZIL FIEE                                            

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                     2015 INDIA MUMBA                                                  2016 Thailand                                               


2016 INDIA MUMBAI                                                2017 Malaysia


                                       2017 INDIA MUMBAI                                                   2018 Germany                                                       


                          2018 Vietnam                                                   2019 USA CHICAGO AUTOMATE    



                                                                               2019 THAILAND                                                                                 


We can't go abroad for exhibitions.But based on so many years of customers' recognition of our products and trust in our company. In 2020, customers will hold exhibitions in Iran on behalf of us, and display and promote our products to exhibitors from all over the country.



In the future, we will continue to improve, we believe YUMO will be better and better.