
 Home » Products » Motor Encoders » HKT5620 Servo Motor 1024ppr Encoder Dc Motor Optical YUMO Small Mini Rotary Encoder Rotary Shaft Encoder

HKT5620 Servo Motor 1024ppr Encoder Dc Motor Optical YUMO Small Mini Rotary Encoder Rotary Shaft Encoder

The HKT56 series are high performance two and three
channel optical incremental encoders
These encoders emphasize high reliability, high resolution,
and easy assembly. Each encoder contains a lensed LED
source (emitter), an integrated circuit with detectors and
output circuitry, and a code-wheel which rotates between the
emitter and detector integrated circuit. This index is an
active high pulse that occurs once every full rotation of the
code-wheel. Resolutions up to 2048 counts per Revolution
are available in the two and three channel versions.

HKT56 servo motor encoder rotary shaft encoder


* ASIC devices internal, good reliability, long life, anti-jamming performance.
* Stainless steel shaft has a higher stability and protection.
* Metal shell is more solid and anti-impact.
* Outlet end use waterproof metal interface protection, infold sleeve design, no loose. 
* Bearing load heavy, anti-oil and water
* Applicability to a wide variety of mechanical and industrial control.


The HKT56 series are high performance two and three

channel optical incremental encoders .

These encoders emphasize high reliability, high resolution,

and easy assembly. Each encoder contains a lensed LED

source (emitter), an integrated circuit with detectors and

output circuitry, and a code-wheel which rotates between the

emitter and detector integrated circuit. This index is an

active high pulse that occurs once every full rotation of the

code-wheel. Resolutions up to 2048 counts per Revolution

are available in the two and three channel versions.



The HKT56 series provide motion detection to a very high

resolution and accept a variety of shaft of shaft sizes up to a

maximum of 20 mm

Output waveform

90º Output phase difference, CW rotation

(CW rotation as seen from fit surface)


Pitch error of period: ±0.01T

Pitch error of phase position : ≤1/18T

Z phase: Tz=1/4T (1T, 1/2T, 1/4T…)

Period of pulses: T=360 º/N(N: output pulses)

Signal accuracy: Xn=1/4T±1/12T(n=1,2,3,4)

A leads B clockwise when viewing the encoder shaft end,

The position of Z phase against A,B phase is not specified.



Output wave Square wave
Output signals A,B phase or A,B,Z phase
Current consumption ≤40mA
Output current 0~5mA
Response Frequency 0~100KHz
Output phase difference 90º±45º
Supply voltage 5VDC
Signal level VH≥85% Vcc, VL.≤0.3V
Number of pulses 1,000,102,420,002,040
(Other number of pulse available on request)
Output circuit Line driver, Voltage
Rotor inertia of code-wheel Appr.6.0×10-8kgm²
Hollow shaft diameter ≤φ20mm
Shock resistance 980M/S²,6ms, 2 times each on XYZ
Vibration proof 50M/S²,10~200Hz,2 hours each on XYZ
Working life MTBF≥50000h(+25℃,2000rpm)
Weight Appr.25g(with 0.5 meter cable)
Working humidity 30~85%(No condensation )
Storage temperature -40℃~110℃
Working temperature -25℃~100℃
Weld temperature ≤260℃
Protection class IP54


Ordering code

HKT56  -    08        WZ  --  001         G    -   500        BZ   --  5        E

 Series                    Hollow Shaft     Encoder       Sequence     Connection       Number             Output             Supply        Output

                                      Diameter       Module        Number                                     of Pulses           Signals           Voltage     Circuit




Terminal assignment

Cable code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Cable Color Black Red Green Brown Grey White yellow Orange
Line driver output 0V Vcc SIG A SIGA(_) SIGB(_) SIG B SIG Z SIGZ(_)
Cable code 1 2 3 4 5 - - -
Cable Color Black Yellow Green Red white - - -
Voltage output 0V SIG Z SIG A Vcc SIG B - - -

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