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LP 6x6 D16 L24 series coupling encoder motor torque spring Flexible coupling

Flexible couplings are offered in the industrys largest variety of stock bore/keyway combinations. These couplings require no lubrication and provide highly reliable service for light, medium, and heavy duty electrical motor and internal combustion power transmission applications. Applications include power transmission to industrial equipment such as pumps, gear boxes, compressors, blowers, mixers, and conveyors.

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1. Widely used in various mechanical and hydraulic fields 
2. Small dimension, low weight, high transmitted torque 
3. Elastomers made of polyurethane with shore hardness between 80-98 
4. Compensating the axial relative drift, buffer and vibration reduction 

5. Material: cast iron, steel and aluminum alloy

Use and characteristics
High torque, high torsional rigidity, high response.
Zero gap.
The presence of bias can also maintain constant velocity motion.
Softness, stainless steel spring can tolerate eccentricity, deflection angle and axis deviation wide error, adjustable.
Standardization of products with different diameters at both ends.

1. Widely used in various mechanical and hydraulic fields 
2. Small dimension, low weight, high transmitted torque 
3. Elastomers made of polyurethane with shore hardness between 80-98 
4. Compensating the axial relative drift, buffer and vibration reduction 
5. Material: cast iron, steel and aluminum alloy


Model D L d1 d2 Shaft Dia. M
LP-16 24/XX/XX 16 24 4-10 4-m4*6
LP-16 35/XX/XX 16 35 4-10 4-m4*6
LP-26 38/XX/XX 26 38 6-12 4-m5*8
LP-26 55/XX/XX 26 55 6-12 4-m5*8


IMG_2047 副本.jpg

Product features

Model Rated torque(N.m) Max torque(N.m) Max Speed(LPm) Angular deviation(ºC) Axial deviation(mm)
LP-16 24/XX/XX 0.8 1.6 10000 1.5 ±1.0
LP-16 35/XX/XX 0.8 1.6 10000 1.5 ±1.0
LP-26 38/XX/XX 2 4 8000 2 ±1.3
LP-26 55/XX/XX 2 4 8000 2 ±1.3

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