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DD encoder stepper servo motor coupling

Flexible couplings are usually cut from a metal wire rod made of commonly used materials are aluminum, stainless steel, engineering plastics. Flexible coupling using a parallel or helical grooving system to adapt to a variety of bias and precision torque transmission. Flexible couplings usually have good performance and price advantage, and in many stepper, servo system, the practical application, elastic coupling is the preferred product. One-piece design allows flexible couplings to achieve a zero gap torque transmission and without maintenance

d1 d2 D L L1 g M
6 6 34 27
10 10 34 27
6 10 34 27
6 6 44 34
16 16 44 34
6 16 44 34
12 12 60 60
30 30 60 60
12 30 60 60

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